Lord be our guiding light...

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_31297828_1719162411492703_1863303894068052989_n.jpgIn my days as a seminarian I had a beautiful experience: our college was situated in Gyulafehérvár , next to the cathedral, so every evening one had to go past the thousand year old church. Once it was already late at night , by the time I arrived there , the gate was shut, and I knelt down on the doorstep . My eyes were level with the doorhandle , and through the keyhole I got a glimpse of the red light of the sanctuary lamp, that indicates the presence of the Holy Eucharist in the church . I realised then that to perceive, sense the divine secrets frequently one has to get down on one’s knees. One needs a love towards God, respect and openness so that their secrets maybe revealed to us , and they can have an influence on our lives .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.