My Lord open my eyes…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Igaz_Pedagogia_36527993_1798788733530070_3265460409628360704_n.jpgMy Lord open my eyes to be able to see what beautiful , of lasting value, that I can see Your precious gifts. Help me to rejoice in all that I received, receive as a gift , and this way slowly I may also want to become a gift , be able to be a gift for my brethren ! Realising my own insignificance I ask You humbly, grant me that I can also be a magnificent flower in Your garden!! Help that more and more of us desire what is so simple for the flowers of the field !! Lets not be negative , sores in this world but give the courage to burst into bloom ! Let each of us yield our  own fruits !!
With the trust of a lesser brother ,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.