
b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_36882453_1807812582627685_4688018724127506432_o.jpgAll of us should climb up to the pinnacle of perfect love, but we cannot get there with equal chances : the bad upbringing, loveless surrounding, bleak circumstances and other innumerable obstacles can cause us to stumble, that we cannot do anything about. God is not only the God of Justice but also the God of Love and Mercy as well . He sees the course we should have run , but He also knows well our capabilities , our knowledge , ignorance, circumstances , He clearly shows us the sins we could not help, but also the ones that we were really responsible for. 
We are not all running the same course , but we have to do well in our own, It is quite certain, that God will measure everybody according to their own opportunities .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.