Your choice…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_39410248_1871202966288646_3772655399715471360_n.jpgYou decide as to who you are going to be: I believe that the world, our people need Mary-s ! Unfortunately we are not short of  betraying Judases , Peters turning their back or judging Pilates amongst us . Some can only shout “crucify Him” ! Or they are just looking around foolishly and cannot understand anything , others are crying sinking into themselves and  they can see no way out from our world drifting into hatred . We have to be like Mary ! Carrying love around, trusting happily whilst singing the Magnificat , helping with good will , making their surrounding by honest, hard work a better place.. Mary-s ! We can be the steadfast, loyal happy serving children  of Life , Love , so lets become that ! 
With love,
 Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.