Nothing is accidental…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_39976357_1885163618225914_1695438022268420096_n.jpgOften here on this earth we cannot see the kind-hearted presence of God , and many things are beyond our comprehension, but quite certainly after our death we suddenly realise , and we are astonished to see that every difficulty, pain had a reason , how many miracles occurred in our lives , in one or more difficult moments how many times did God appear in our lives with His love , and helped us to overcome one or more obstacles , that we credited to chance or perhaps we just waved our hands : “Oh this is nothing!” We just sigh : “ How blind I must have been , that I did not see this, that it never occurred  to me !” 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.