Our Advocate …

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_43480549_1940652179343724_550064158180114432_n.jpgThe blessed Virgin Mother did not become the Queen of Heaven by great oration. In today’s sense, meaning of the word She was not a star, She was the inhabitant of a small Palestinian village , She lived just like anyone else , but by Her carrying out Her daily tasks and by Her  total reliance of God, Her unconditional trust She grows up to become the Queen of Heaven : She accepts the Child from the Holy Spirit , also accepting that they may not believe Her , despite all the fear and uncertainties She is prepared to say “yes” : becomes a fugitive in Egypt , though not understanding always but She always perseveres by Jesus’ side . At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry  and at the end of it She is always by His side, accompanies Him on the way of the cross , and suffers with Him under the cross and together with the apostles receives the Holy Spirit .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.
Picture taken in Déva today.