The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_64396481_2308291072579831_2735907464770748416_n.jpgJesus could show us many things in this world with the exception of one thing , how can one follow God in this world as a human being , how can one live according to His doctrines that He gave us for our earthly life , to realise, fulfil them. 
Our Mother the Church is saying , that this ideal was presented the most perfectly by Mary . The Blessed Virgin is the “prototype” , the number one , the first Christian . She discloses in front of us the most perfect way of the following of Christ . Our Mother the Church for the last two thousand years wanted to place Mary in front of us as an example and the truly great saints tried to follow in Her footsteps and follow Christ. That is why the personality of the Blessed Virgin is very important , She is not a subordinate person, One of little consequence in the Gospel. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.