b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_120841263_1763514313812407_6423850456579288827_o.jpgThrough prayer there is a big question in us, do I believe that the one who gave me the gift of hearing , can He hear my voice , my thoughts and He who gave me the ability to speak is He capable of addressing me , to talk to me ?? If I can answer yes to these questions with faith , then the rest is just a question of details , as it is quite certain that He who stands at the door and knocks , will also hear my no matter how timid “yes” will enter, step into my life  !! In the knowledge of my insignificance with a child like trust I should invite God into my life , because if I set out with God on the way of a dialogue , then sooner or later I’ll reach my goal in the arms of my Creator !
With love ,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.