It’s up to you…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_18738387_1389538591121755_3684731215761348089_o.jpgIt’s your decision who you are going to be. Unfortunately there is no shortage in the betraying Judas , Peter turning his back or the judgemental Pilate among us. Many can only just shout  “Crucify Him !” , others are just staring foolishly without understanding anything, yet others are sunk into themselves  crying and cannot see the way out of our world drifting into hatred. I believe that our world, our people need Mary-s ! Spreading love , singing the Magnificat with cheerful trust, good will, helping their surrounding with honest , hard work making it into a better place ! Life, love are enduring , we can become cheerful , serving children, so lets become just that !!
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.