
b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_IMG_1968_2.jpgHerod’s throne is empty! You can occupy it ! You can judge others, the power of scandal-mongering, mud throwing is yours , so many hungry media are buyers for your scandals ! But yours can also be the judgement of the contrite rogue as well, whose judgement was not directed towards others but towards himself and that made him free. Admitting your insignificance raises you up, draws God out, He will take you into His arms with a forgiving love ! Accusation, condemning others will mute love, goodness. God will be silent , He won’t open His arms towards you ! You will remain alone and you’ll condemn yourself by your own judgement.
We have two choices ! I’ll never judge anybody again !
With the humility of a lesser brother of Christ,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.
Picture : Good Friday , Christ’s tomb in Körösbánya.