Is this right like this ?? Or perhaps….

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_18813175_1391166560958958_4240447758645203200_n.jpgHow many things occupy us, we keep an eye on the mass media , we pay attention to politics, economic issues , and many times our families, the problems of people living in our immediate vicinity , their basic needs go unnoticed, it’s beyond us , we cannot perceive it. How many children who drifted, finished up with us are waiting, that at least during the festive seasons, holidays they get a phone call from their mothers, fathers, grandparents ?! How many sick, suffering people, with teary eyes are looking in vain for the doctors leaving them , for greater renumeration?!  And how many simple folks are left without a festive table , because of the selfishness of usurers lead by immeasurable greed ?!
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.