On our journey towards Christmas ….Triduum in Déva

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_25446443_1587311994677746_310178725265791253_n.jpgToday was the second day of the Triduum at 6 p.m. that the parish priest of Brád Father Bucimun Gyuszi is celebrating in our church named in honour of Our Lady of Hungary . We thank him for the thought provoking homilies a real guide in our preparation for Advent . The main message is that like for all journeys we tend to overpack our bags  but what we should leave behind are our sufferings, bitterness , sins but definitely make room for our joys ! The holy masses are concelebrated with Father Bernardin. Tomorrow evening is the last day , but there is an opportunity every day to do our Christmas reconciliation, so that we await the arrival of our Redeemer with a clean heart !
posted by dr k.e.