b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_41720907_2151394918228703_5001755193063243776_o.jpgTonight marked the 25th anniversary  celebration of the Saint Francis Foundation of Déva in Budapest . It was a full house in the presence of not only of 500 children from the foundation, carers , but also dignitaries, religious, civil, from all walks of life , supporters , entertainers , the Never Give Up foundation…
First and foremost our gratitude and thanks to Father Csaba that he dared to undertake this project 25  years ago together with his helpers that nowadays is well known just about worldwide .
May God’s blessing be on Father Csaba and his staff, the volunteers, supporters  but first and foremost on the children in the care of the foundation. It is not an easy task there is always room from improvement, but tonight is a night of thanksgiving and as the saying goes if God is with us who can be against us…
posted by dr k.e.