My soul magnifies the Lord !

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_69233329_2429348997140704_7774609173399994368_o.jpgAs to who you are going to be , that you decide : I believe that the world, our people need “Mary-s.”! Unfortunately there is no shortage of betraying Judas-s , Peter-s turning their back or judging Pilate-s amongst us . Many can only shout “crucify Him “ ! Or just foolishly looking around and do not understand anything , others just sink into themselves crying and cannot see a way out from our world drifting into hatred. We have to be Mary-s ! Filled with love , joyfully trusting singing the Magnificat , helping with good intentions , Mary-s with honest, enduring hard work making the world around us better! We can be children happily serving Life and Love so lets strive for this !! 
I lovingly wish everyone a beautiful feast of Mary on the 15th August!
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.