b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_61509834_2286495561426049_7492098585584992256_n.jpgIf just then you do not feel like having a bath, but still stand under the shower , you will become just as clean  then when you feel like it.
Neither is it important what you feel whilst praying , because your feelings are not under your control, they tend to fluctuate , the evil spirit can also influence them . What is important is what you want . We will never be judged based upon our feelings . A professor cannot say : because you did not learn the anatomy joyfully , I won’t let you pass your exam. There is no such thing . Have you learnt it or not? It does not count what your mood was like , what sort of desires tried to jostle you about . This is also what is important in your prayer as well, that despite your flagging mood you still want to be close to God .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.