b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_84658493_2818080108267589_5002909718927114240_n.jpgThe Blessed Virgin Mother did not grow up by presenting huge sermons to become the Queen of Heaven. In today’s sense of the word She was not a star , She was the inhabitant of small, dull Palestinian village , lived like anybody else .But by fulfilling Her everyday tasks and reliance on God, Her unconditional trust grows up to be Queen of Heaven: She accepts the Child from the Holy Spirit , taking on also that people won’t believe Her . Despite the fears, uncertainties She is prepared to say “yes” : becomes a refugee in Egypt : even though She does not always comprehend  yet She still perseveres by Jesus’ side : She is there at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and at the end of it as well . She is by His side, accompanies Him on the way of the cross, suffers with Him under the cross and together with the apostles receives the Holy Spirit .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.