b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_17097527_1299954670080148_6590615754934849506_o.jpgSaint Teresa of Calcutta said :” I got to know the paradox : if I love till it hurts I forget the pain only love remains . Saint Padre Pio said :” Lets love pain ! Who has not suffered , they do not have strong feelings , their heart is lacking tenderness , from their soul the perspective . Why pain suffering ? So that the earth may grow dim , the heaven may become radiant !” Man is not looking consciously for suffering , in fact does everything to avoid it . Christ was not looking for it on the way to be crucified , but He emptied the chalice when the time came . He fell three times , but suffering great pains He got up , not with an arched back and a Hollywood smile did He carry His cross. His honour compelled Him to accept the suffering and tried to go on with human dignity . Even in this He was One amongst us and showed us an example . Jesus did not redeem the world by His miracles or great sermons , but with His suffering , and His death on the cross that He accepted out of His love for us . 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.