b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_121629590_3476457189096541_1772457014262544506_n.jpgWe  continuously have to search in our prayers, what our particular task is and we have to calmly , consequentially to realise it.Jesus was not in a hurry . No matter how much the big question of the redemption of our world is urging Him , He is not born two moths after the angel’s visit. 
The blessed Virgin Mother is also calmly, quietly carrying Him for nine months . We would all need this calm, attentive development . The calm , quiet family life is not as spectacular , then when somebody struggles to get up in the world , buys the latest electronic gadgets , roars around in an expensive car , but its value is sp great that it will last till the end of the world : Money , power , success , beauty all disappear, vanish , however the happy children, grandchildren , great-grandchildren ….will bless our names in eternity .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.