b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_179265769_1970420599788443_3483616374056528200_n.jpgI suggest we make a time frame for our spiritual life . This is totally different for a mother taking care of a family, am elderly person or in case of a monk. Lets have a time in our day , when we spend the time , to organise the things to do , trying to establish an order importance , checking where we maybe likely to fail , lets prepare deliberately to try and avoid them . Lets take count if there is someone who particularly needs our help and how we can help. And prior to all this lets ask God’s blessing and help and help for our whole day , as this way holding onto His hand can we walk our everyday . It is good to look back at night , whether we managed to accomplish our decisions during the day , asking for His pardon for our slip-ups, this way we can get peace of mind in our evening prayers , we can be renewed in the love of God.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.