Be not afraid…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_26168148_1601977133211232_539013904534178738_n.jpgI know that people moving about,  on the road can have accidents . Despite their will they can cause pain to their surrounding and they can also get hurt , but be not afraid , they were not made out of porcelain , and God does not flinch seeing every small mistake, stumbling. He would like us  to make good use of the talents we were given , so they bring a yield of fifty , hundred fold , lets not bury the treasures entrusted into our care in fear. God knows very well , that our weaknesses , fallibility , our limitations again and again pull us down . He Himself also fell on the way to the cross , but He stood up !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.