Read more: MY LORD REALISING MY OWN INSIGNIFICANCE I BESEECH YOU TO STAY WITH ME...Your spirit, my brother seeking God should shout loudly :” My Lord You know I am small, helpless , but You also know that I am Yours , I would like You to touch me by Your gentle goodness , if with fatherly love You would start to form , guide , teach me . I ask You not to back down , not even when I am resisting obstinately, disobediently . I am not bad just weak , Often I feel afraid , vulnerable in facing  Your infinitely pure , radiant being, that is why I come to a holt , wander off frequently .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: IF WE TURN AWAY FROM GOD…It was not God who drove man out of Paradise , but man himself who banished God from his own world : by his unbelief, turning away, disobedience , lack of trust. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: WHEN ONE SETS OUT ON THEIR LIVES’ JOURNEY HOLDING ONTO GOD’S HAND…When a man set’s out on his life’s journey whatever happens , one is looking for an ally . Would like to take hold of someone’s hand , with whom one can realise his dreams . For me Jesus Christ is a wonderful ally and companion , it is good to hold onto His hand , and He leads one to unbelievable victories, helps as He did so far . I do not feel any tiredness , weakness in Him . 

Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: OUR CIRCUMSTANCES…When Saint Francis was praised by his companions he said :”Do not praise me ! If some else would have received the same graces as I did , they could have gotten much further .” 
This can also be turned around : If I would have received the same temptations , difficulties in life , the same family situations , as another person , then it would come to light where would  I stand on the journey  of a blessed life .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: WHEN WE SEE OURSELVES THROUGH THE EYES OF CHRIST…In the afterlife the veil drops off everything . Here in this world we can lie and put on a nice show for each other , but after our death we see things as they really are . In the light of God we cannot fool neither ourselves , nor others . This facing of the facts can be very hard and painful . We see ourselves through the eyes of Jesus and we ourselves pronounce our own judgement .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: GOD CAN SEE INTO YOUR HEART…You should also get quietly going ! Give away everything ! Search for selfless work, may the serving love be your  companion on the journey.By solving people’s everyday worries you also become the companion of God who creates the world further. It does not matter where you start just love magnanimously . The One who can see into your heart can also see your deeds. 
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: DO WHAT  THE LORD ASKS OF YOU…Start off by taking small secure steps . I’ll do today what the Lord asks of me and I’ll do it tomorrow as well. But lets dare to grow up to the benefit of my people ! Whether they thank me or not , it’s all the same . What is important is, that I do what the Lord asks of me . I would  like to encourage  all  of you  to do the same ! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: GOD IS PATIENT…We  continuously have to search in our prayers, what our particular task is and we have to calmly , consequentially to realise it.Jesus was not in a hurry . No matter how much the big question of the redemption of our world is urging Him , He is not born two moths after the angel’s visit. 
The blessed Virgin Mother is also calmly, quietly carrying Him for nine months . We would all need this calm, attentive development . The calm , quiet family life is not as spectacular , then when somebody struggles to get up in the world , buys the latest electronic gadgets , roars around in an expensive car , but its value is sp great that it will last till the end of the world : Money , power , success , beauty all disappear, vanish , however the happy children, grandchildren , great-grandchildren ….will bless our names in eternity .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF OUR REDEEMER...He persevered by our side did not desert mankind, He did not coerce , did not bribe , did not manipulate , He did not say that the situation is inexcusable , we deserve our fate , instead He let Himself to be captured , humbled tortured and even on the cross He still prayed :” "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23,24. On the way leading to the Golgotha "Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.” Luke 23, 28
We humans quickly throw in the towels, give up easily , we quarrel , turn our backs on each other , go our separate ways , pull the shutters down . God does not act this way , He endures on the way of love right till His death on the cross . This is also an example for us lets not give up our struggles so easily for each other. .
With love ,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: EVEN IF IT HURTS…Whatever happened , be it because of our others sins that we are mortally wounded , or we are in the maze of hopeless illnesses , there where we are , with a contrite heart humbly start loving those , who have the greatest need for our love ! And lets place our trust humbly in the One who so it good to create us and invite us into His Kingdom .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: GOD DOES  NOT DESERT  US…We often experience that in our hour of need  God hurries to our aid. We also has to be aware of our own limitations, boundaries .
We should also be aware of the fact that God with His power , wisdom can expand these boundaries .
Father Csaba 
translated  by dr k.e.