Read more: DEO GRATIAS...Tonight marked the 25th anniversary  celebration of the Saint Francis Foundation of Déva in Budapest . It was a full house in the presence of not only of 500 children from the foundation, carers , but also dignitaries, religious, civil, from all walks of life , supporters , entertainers , the Never Give Up foundation…
First and foremost our gratitude and thanks to Father Csaba that he dared to undertake this project 25  years ago together with his helpers that nowadays is well known just about worldwide .
May God’s blessing be on Father Csaba and his staff, the volunteers, supporters  but first and foremost on the children in the care of the foundation. It is not an easy task there is always room from improvement, but tonight is a night of thanksgiving and as the saying goes if God is with us who can be against us…
posted by dr k.e. 

Read more: We believe…We, Christians believe that there is another dimension , where from love , goodness we can give each other gifts- not just a flower, a piece of cake or a car , but we can offer even the fruit of our suffering , our prayers so that God  attributes it, takes  it into account , so somehow the other person will become better , may choose a better direction , may see things more clearly, in a different light  and understands the connections between the mysteries of life .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: A gift...God’s most beautiful gift is a task, that often can be a cross cutting into our flesh , at other times it is a miracle giving us wings , about them Jesus justly said : “34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4, 34)
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: Facing facts…We are not gods, we are not immortal. God created us from dust and our lives like a soccer match has its beginning and its end . We know, when the ball was thrown in , when the match starts but we do not know when it ends. From our origins of being a handful of dust , from our fallibilities we are fragile, vulnerable , we can get sick , and all this we have to take into account in our lives . All this is part of it. 
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Mary’s “yes”…The Blessed Virgin Mary did not grow up by  making huge sermons , to become the Queen of Heaven . By today’s standards She was not a star, She lived in a grey little village in Palestine , She lived just like anyone else . But through the fulfilment of Her everyday tasks and Her reliance on God, Her unconditional trust She grows up to become the Queen of Heaven : She accepts the Child from the Holy Spirit, accepting even that , that no-one will believe Her. Despite all the fears and uncertainties She is prepared to say “yes” : to becomes a fugitive. In Egypt although not always quite understanding , She still perseveres by Jesus: During Jesus’ public life from the beginning to the end She is there  by His side , She accompanies Him on the way of the cross , suffers with Him under the cross, and together with the apostles She receives the Holy Spirit .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e

Read more: Your future depends on you…Do not be afraid of studying , of working !! We have to embrace our tasks by longing love because it is through them that we are born, developing . We  believe that we are building the kingdom of God , but at the same time we also “give birth “ to our real selves , because every action of ours, every word of ours have repercussions on us . You will be tomorrow , what you think, what you say and do today ! By making good use of your talents by honest work, you’ll become worthy and also able , to be entrusted with a lot .
With love,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: A necessity…To become a real person , yes indeed we need  the distress of failure, setback, struggle , effort, development.
If one can understand this, then one no longer sees God  as cruel , who asks that we develop through accepting difficulties and solving those . We have to embrace our tasks with a yearning love , because it is through them that we are borne, we manage to find our way out.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: An unopened letter….who would know what God wrote in it !My child you are God’s beautiful gift ,you are a miracle hiding secrets ! Yes , you are the child of God , an unopened letter , in which your Creator wrote about His infinite love towards His family, put it into words wonderfully . Through you God wants to create the world further , to send a message to questions  that worry many  . Take care of yourself , because you are the answer either to some or many ! Do not be concerned about your insignificance , “littleness” , many masterpieces were written using a pencil with a tiny  point ! 
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Realisation…I discovered a very important fact during  the past more than 20 years: that it is good to do good . A pure, noble joy . How great it would be if more and more of us would dare to become gifts for one another ! Unbelievable ,dizzying vistas would open up in front of mankind, if more people would dare to step on the way of love ! One could create a new and higher class of civilisation. Jules Verne only dreamt of, how it would be if people could fly, and this then seemed impossible , yet it still came true. Why could not one dream about, how this world could be , if people’s hearts were moved by love ?
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Cause and effect…Most of the problems, troubles, difficulties originate from the fact that we do not dare to open the door to our heart before our brethren , it is difficult to take each other’s hand, we are afraid to take each other trustingly into our lives ! Today’s man leading a lonely, secluded life , like a log fallen out of a campfire starts to flicker,  smoulder ,then in its sooty solitude the flame is extinguished !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Even if it is hard…A child has to be prepared to face that world in which they will have to be living in. There is no use to mollycoddle them as the outside world won’t do that either , rather without pity will put them to the test . If it is cold outside and there is a lot of mud , I have to get them ready to put on heavy boots even if they will give them blisters on their feet , it will be more uncomfortable to walk in them than in a pair of thongs . “
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.