Our Redeemer

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_17097527_1299954670080148_6590615754934849506_o.jpgSaint Teresa of Calcutta said : “ I learnt the paradox : that I love till it hurts, the hurt disappears and only love remains .” Saint Padre Pio put it this way: ”Lets love pain ! The ones who never suffered , those people  do not have strong emotions , tenderness is missing from their hearts, perspectives from their soul . Why suffering ? So the the earth becomes dim , the heavens glow !” Man is not looking deliberately for suffering ,  in fact  does everything to avoid it. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not look for it either on His way to be crucified  but He emptied the chalice when the time came. He fell three times , got up in great pain , not with a straight back and with a hollywood smile did He carry His cross.  His honour demanded it this way that He accepts the suffering , and tries to move on with human dignity . Even in all this He was one of us and showed us an example . Jesus did not redeem the world with His miracles or great orations but with His suffering , and His death on the cross that He accepted out of love for us. 
Father Csaba.
translated by dr k.e.