Without judgement…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_17523721_1336099399799008_595915689239271943_n.jpgWhen people are in trouble , they are facing real problems , such problems that can actually destroy them body and soul, their families , then they are not looking for a smart judge , who will tell them wisely , where they went wrong and what sort of mistakes did they make - most of them in our establishment are very well aware where and when did they slip up. But they are looking for  someone , who will humbly, gently , good willing  show them a way out from their sorrows, problems . They need to find a solution ! One does not have to list around fifty dead-end streets endangering them , but the only way out , that will keep the integrity , safety of their families and will not demolish their self-esteem , to live on with their heads raised high , their necessary human pride to go on.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.