Learn to trust…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Vegyes_22042307_1508665145875765_1263143321283024472_o.jpgHow beautiful , when Mary and Joseph find the lost Jesus ! That infinite humility by how they greet Him : “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”? The Blessed Virgin cannot understand it , why should a twelve year old little boy be in the church , when everybody’s place is at home . Well it does not matter-She thinks and taking His hand gently , She prays , ponders and they go home . This is real trust : you ask a question from somebody , the person answers you , you cannot really understand the answer-and yet you still trust  that person ! You keep the other's answer in your heart , so that you can think about it . May God grant us that we get used  to this : it is not necessary for us either, to understand everything ! Lets accept the world as it is , lets keep it in our heart , and with prayerful love do, what God asks of us . Love the world to become better ! The Blessed Virgin Mary trusts her Holy Son, She knows that He meant Her no harm , He did not hide in the church out of malice . She trusts Him. Without  this trust one cannot bring out the best from anyone.
Father Csaba