Thank you boys !!!!

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_23551313_1553875108021435_1086793017893156638_o.jpgWell, the treatment for now is over….I was most impressed by the boys from Székelyhíd and their carer Ágnes Emilia Takács……they were all very well behaved and after our days together thank you for the “finale “ . Thank you very much for you beautiful singing “The Lord bless you and keep you” plus the beautiful bouquet of  flowers, I am taking those to the church for the Adoration tonight. It was great to meet you , it won’t be our final one…. but may the Lord  bless you all and keep you safe as well….till next time
With love ,
Dr Kalotay Eszter