Hope is more important than our daily bread…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Jo_Rendezvenyek_26000932_1597068063702139_5270092057364231673_n.jpgHope, the future are more important than our daily bread. The way-out we dreamt about in the collapsing today means life. the sensations of the outlines of the tomorrow can strengthen us , if need be, that even on an empty stomach man can move on. There is answer to all questions of our times! That is why I am asking for gnawing hunger , strength that we stand up in our powerless ,drifting world nearly only moved by inertia, facing up to our questions we embark on our way and find God !
I can envisage that from the big tree of mankind branches will be broken off and perish- this has already happened during the course of history-but somehow this holy trunk will put out shoots again!
God is at work !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.