
b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Unnepek_17553437_1865786700352767_7580114697546393667_n.jpgWriting greeting cards for Easter seems to have gone out of fashion ….but since I love many , many people , I also offended many during the past years , for this reason as part of my  repentance now in my thoughts I have to write all these cards ! I turn to you with prayerful love with these few lines and I profess, that unfortunately love can be killed , but we learn from Christ’s example that it is possible to rise again and even with a pierced heart it is possible to love !! If I offended you I ask for your goodness, forgiveness towards me to come to life again and lets move on the way of love together !! Our common lenten repentance may renew our friendship !!
Walking on the road of repentance, 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.