Excuses, decisions…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_54433306_2172218129520460_1029792175279308800_n.jpgBy making excuses then I am only belittling my own faults, denying them , this way I don’t want to nor can I change them , I cannot remedy them , they will remain within me , and unfortunately slowly , gradually they can become the breeding grounds for greater sins as well . Being caught up in sins I am drifting further and further away from my dreams, my life’s beautiful, noble goals , I’ll become lonely , a torso , like a house without a roof, uninhabitable or like a barrel , that is no longer held together by the hoops . God will not take away my freewill , He is standing at the door , knocking but the decision is in my hand. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.