b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_83715068_2796850407057226_3926057376532135936_o.jpgHow could Lucifer turn against , break with the perfect , endlessly loving God Whom he saw ? The Holy Scripture is very reticent about this . These nice spiritual beings were asked by the Heavenly Father to help people to come to, grow up in the love of the Holy Trinity .
There were angels  , who did not want to help people , turned their backs on God for this reason , saying : “ We are not serving !” 
Freedom is God’s incredible gift . God is calling us to respond to His immeasurable trust wit love .
Unfortunately many people and fallen angels did not give a worthy answer to God’s magnanimity , but He still does not tie the hands of the  "dissenters “, does not repel, thrust them into servitude - the fallen angels chose the slavery of sin of their own free will. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.