b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szep_Termeszet_84292308_2798938026848464_2370809680965402624_o.jpgThe more excuses I make for myself , then with this I tend to belittle, deny  my own faults , and this way I cannot even make changes , I cannot even make reparations for them , I will still remain as my old self and slowly,  gradually  can become a fertile ground for greater sins as well . In the sins I will drift further and further away from my dreams , from the beautiful , noble goals, aspirations of my life , I’ll  be lonely , a torso , like an unliveable house without a roof  , or like a barrel not held together by hoops . God will not break my free will , He stands at the door, knocking , but the decision is in my hands .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.