Sunday 8 October 2017

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_22281961_1021470697994794_6988923506041536706_n.jpgFather Csaba’s reflection on the gospel….Sunday 8 October 2017, The Feast go Our Blessed Lady of Hungary. 
On the feast of Our Blessed Lady of Hungary in the festive gospel, we read about the angel’s visit to Mary, they had a talk and Mary gave birth to Her precious child, Jesus Christ , then out of the will of Her Son , She became the mother of all mankind , including us as well !! Back in those days 25 years ago on a day in October the angels paid me a visit as well ! My angels came from Vienna and they encouraged me , to dare to say “yes” to God , to accept the children off the street ! In the autumn of 1992 , 25 years ago it was from their donations that we started to renew the first room in the monastery in Déva! So I can proudly say 
this is how I became together  with my colleagues the stepfather to close on 6000 children ! Our big family and every single member of that is God’s precious gift! The former angels , who since then, day after day are supporting, helping us , since they donate for a 100 children daily  one euro per day , came among us to look up our mutual large family ..Last week we visited at some length  our houses, today in Déva a thanksgiving mass was  presented , then after a dinner together we all got involved in a cheerful , get-together with dancing !! The music was provided by the orchestra of our child protection  home in Kovászna under the direction of Kolozsy István  ! The picture tries to capture the mood of this  bustling crowd …..Good mood, cheer, happiness is not only the right, privilege of children from well-to-do families because  God would like to generously ,magnanimously in His overabundant love offer this to all His children! We decided that we accept this gift gladly, beginning a happy dance ! Those who missed out on tonight’s festivity should not be sad, and most of all should not be envious , because this year as well we are going to organise our New Year’s Eve celebration, to which we invite and expect all men of goodwill ……Every year we spend New Year’s Eve together in Déva  with our children with great love and all guests knocking on our door are always welcomed lovingly !! 
With the high spirit of child of God, 
Father Csaba 
dr k.e.
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, ‘Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you.’
Luke 1, 26-28