True repentance…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szep_Termeszet_15665959_1233695326706083_5899273483285587351_n.jpgIf in our everyday earthly life, we did something wrong , and feel sorrow because we are scared of  being called to account , from punishment or miss out on a reward - this type of remorse is not really remorse as it is based on selfishness. However if I  observe , look at God , seeing His great goodness I am genuinely sorry for missing out  on love , goodness. This type of suffering cleanses one. There is no purification, cleansing without suffering! That thought strikes me the most that neither God nor my fellow man deserved this from me , in whose suffering He also takes His share. 
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.