Tuesday 7 November 2017

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Vegyes_DSCN3569.JPGFather Csaba’s reflection on the gospel.. Tuesday 7 November 2017
God does not only invite us to the great heavenly banquet , but day after day calls us to church , to the sacrifice of the mass to meet with us ! I believe and profess together with my mother the Church , that the sacrifice of the mass is preview of the heavenly banquet , since as good brothers celebrating together can we only meet not only with our Lord Jesus Christ , but with the Holy Trinity and the community of saints as well ! A holy mass is not only a remembrance banquet , but a real , living meeting, as the same God who at Christmas became man , in the sacrifice of the mass becomes incarnate in the form of bread and vine , and comes among us in the holy Eucharist ! 
In the Saint Imre church in Cleveland close to 400 people heard to calling voices and came to the festive meeting , the attached photo was taken with the “altar servers “ on the 5 November 2017 at the conclusion of the holy mass . It was good to meet , to be together with prayerful love and  take delight in God’s big, local family . After the church celebrations , 320 people attended dinner, sitting at a table in the crypt of the church not only enjoying the nice food , but we also enjoyed the local scouts' beautiful national costumes , festive program as well !
It is good to say “yes” to the call of God here in this world as well , happily as good brothers rejoice in the blessed presence of God ! I encourage my dear brethren lovingly to take the opportunity and every single time upon hearing the church bells calling to get going to the holy mass to meet with their sisters and brothers , and with our Lord Jesus Christ present in the holy Eucharist talking to us through the Holy Gospel ! We should get our spirits accustomed to the Infinity , here in the “earthly paradise !
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
One of those at table with Jesus said to him,
"Blessed is the one who will dine in the Kingdom of God."
He replied to him,
"A man gave a great dinner to which he invited many.
When the time for the dinner came,
he dispatched his servant to say to those invited,
'Come, everything is now ready.'
But one by one, they all began to excuse themselves.
The first said to him,
'I have purchased a field and must go to examine it;
I ask you, consider me excused.'
And another said, 'I have purchased five yoke of oxen
and am on my way to evaluate them;
I ask you, consider me excused.'
And another said, 'I have just married a woman,
and therefore I cannot come.'
The servant went and reported this to his master.
Then the master of the house in a rage commanded his servant,
'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town
and bring in here the poor and the crippled, 
the blind and the lame.'
The servant reported, 'Sir, your orders have been carried out
and still there is room.'
The master then ordered the servant,
'Go out to the highways and hedgerows
and make people come in that my home may be filled.
For, I tell you, none of those men who were invited will taste my dinner.’"
Luke 14, 15-24