Read more: Perseverance…He remained loyal, He did not desert mankind, He did not coerce, He did not blackmail, He did not say that the situation is unpardonable , we deserve our fate but He let them to capture Him, to be humiliated, to be tortured and yet even on the cross He prayed that :"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23, 34.
On the road leading to the Golgotha He said :"do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. “Luke 23, 28 Us, people we tend to throw the towel in very quickly, we quarrel, we turn our backs on one another , we part company , we pull down the curtain. God does not act this way , He perseveres  on the way of love right till His death on the cross . This is an example for us as well, that we do not abandon so easily our struggles for each other .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Free will…It would seem that God would not be almighty . Is free will greater than the power of God ? God does not want to manipulate , coerce us to do something but He would like us to decide knowingly  in favour of love. He is asking for the conscious decision of a grown man. He could change our minds , but then we would be like puppets on a string that could be controlled by God or machines or zombies : This is why God can only cry before the walls of Jerusalem . But He does not give up. On Palm Sunday He enters and yet again places everybody in a position when a decision has to be made.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: The truth cannot be killed…Jesus Christ is resurrected on the dawn of Easter, and there is no calling to account, roundtable-discussions , analysing the events , the termination of work contracts , no sitting aside sulking or thirsting for revenge, Jesus does not deal with weed, seeds of dissension, He simply loves and kind-heartedly He lives His everyday that bring blessings a hundredfold , thousandfold . Truth can be crucified , it can be buried , but cannot be killed , because the triumphant dawn of Easter comes again and again.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Forgiveness…How is it possible that we cannot forgive the one, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ, my God has shed His precious blood?! And how can I expect , the erring man the forgiveness of my Lord, if I am incapable of mercy , compassion?
Father Csaba
translated dr k.e.

Read more: My Lord, my God…Because Jesus claimed Himself God, cost Him His life , as this was the greatest thorn in the eyes of the chief priests, that is why they sent Him to the cross. Jesus was a true man as well. He ate , slept, rejoiced, He was afraid, suffered temptation and felt pain like all of us. He does not wear our humanity like a garment , but He becomes a true man. I believe and profess the teaching of our two thousand year old Church: our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God , the true God who assumed the  body of a true man and His human heart perfectly shows us the heart of God.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Perseverence...There is only one way open to us : the way of love. Everything else is only a dead-end street, that does not lead anywhere. If there would be a shortcut through the hell of violence , then at least on Good Friday Christ would have stepped on it , but He did not do it. He persevered on the way of love through Holy Thursday, Good Friday right till the crucifixion,  the victory of the glorious dawn of Easter.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Our lives, our being an order of importance….It is important to be aware that our loved ones' , our friends’ souls are immortal. At the last judgement it won’t be our car, neither our house , nor our degrees, only the people whom we have ever known will be  coming towards us . Everything else is just wrapping paper . No matter what you achieve or build will eventually fade away. We will have to relearn getting to the heart of the matter together with our contemporaries . I would suggest it to everybody that with the approach of holy week drawing on a piece of paper a series of concentric circles , like drawing a target . After that put our priorities starting from the inside outwards . Then if we are honest with ourselves we will see everything in its correct place .
I wish you with love a blessed calming down, silence for holy week,
Father Csaba.
translated by dr k.e.
Picture:Our children are in my innermost circles with my Creator.

Read more: We reap as we sow….Very often it depends on us , what is brought out of the one whom we just met .I believe that many times we can sow the seeds of truth but of lies as well in each other’s heart.
In all of us tomorrow’s saint is there , but the vile villain as well.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Without judgement…We cannot see into the heart of anybody, we cannot know why someone acted the way they did, how they got into that situation, where they are struggling just now, this is why our lord Jesus Christ does not want us to pass judgement on one another .
Father Csaba,
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: The tree of life …With my colleagues we would like to be like a large tree, among the branches of which we could welcome the birds of heaven, all those children, young people , who are exhausted, who lead a lonely life who have nowhere to lay ,  their heads down. The bird from heaven can come without fear , can rest on the branches of this large tree . perhaps even build a nest , prepare a hollow, but if they feel like they can fly on any time , because we do not want to be a cage , a “coop” for anyone . Im my experience, this accomodating Christ like behaviour can make our everyday  incredibly beautiful, enriched because life is infinitely colourful , scintillatingly wonderful,  no two children are identical nor two life journeys are the same .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: Without judgement…When people are in trouble , they are facing real problems , such problems that can actually destroy them body and soul, their families , then they are not looking for a smart judge , who will tell them wisely , where they went wrong and what sort of mistakes did they make - most of them in our establishment are very well aware where and when did they slip up. But they are looking for  someone , who will humbly, gently , good willing  show them a way out from their sorrows, problems . They need to find a solution ! One does not have to list around fifty dead-end streets endangering them , but the only way out , that will keep the integrity , safety of their families and will not demolish their self-esteem , to live on with their heads raised high , their necessary human pride to go on.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.