Read more: MEETING EXPECTATIONS…I pose myself a few questions as well : For how many people am I the most important person in this world ? How much do I appreciate these people ? I wonder how many people feel that they can count on me always and in all circumstances ?
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: GOD IS YEARNING FOR AN EVERLASTING RELATIONSHIP …The first commandment states that worship your Lord God ! It is not saying that “ go to church on Sunday then we part , the main point is that you remain in a good working-relationship with me .” God is not looking for a fleeting , casual acquaintance , but He is yearning for an eternal home in our hearts.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: GOD LISTENS TO US IF WE CALL UPON HIM …If I would have to right a script for mankind how we could solve the problems of our world , I would prescribe : take at least three times daily at least ten minutes that you  spend with God.  This would be the very first thing that I would prescribe , yes every day try to live in the presence of God.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: PENTECOST, THE BIRTHDAY OF OUR CHURCH …Journeying from nothing to infinity is not only the people’s but the Church’ journey as well . The Church has to grow up so she can become part of the Kingdom of God. Continuously we have to create  a Church that is better than as it was earlier . Continuously , again and again I have to nail God’s commandments, laws on the entrance of my own heart : “ Ecclesia semper reformanda -The Church continuously needs to be renewed.” 
Father Csaba ,
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: COME HOLY SPIRIT AND OPEN OUR EYES…Unfortunately the wages of sin is death . Mankind is facing huge storms that is going to decimate us . I pray with the Queen of Peace , Mary daily for the blessed peace , the clear vision for the spiteful people, politicians . No matter how big this cleansing storm will be and  no matter how many decaying, crumbling branches are  going to break off the tree of mankind, I believe that the man of tomorrow is going to search for God with an elementary force , Who will take hold the hand outstretched towards Him . I believe that the reign of God will come upon this world.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: THE MIRACLE OF CHRIST’S LOVE…One of the virtues of the love of Christ is the boundlessness . He does not love just for twenty -thirty years, not like many people : till we are beautiful, kind , interesting , caring . No , 10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken “(Isaiah 54, 10). This "never “, this endlessness “ grabs me , knocks me back . He loves me even if I make a mistake , even if I am sinful , or undeserving .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: ALL OR NOTHING …One either accepts Christ’s teaching or else refuses it , there is no middle of the road, you cannot pick and choose : I like this , I don’t like that , this fits in with today’s trend , the spirit of our times , into my comfortable life , but that these are harsh words. The most common cause for rejecting Jesus even today is, that even today He asks for something , that cannot be fulfilled , accepted lightly without faith , making sacrifices .
Father Csaba
translated  by dr k.e.

Read more: OUR FATE IS IN OUR OWN HANDS …God cannot make a decision in our place by choosing what is good . Christ lights our way , gives us hope , strength , He can also guide us , He can deepen our faith , but we are the ones who have to make our own decisions . Our eternal  life is the fruit of our own decisions .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: AS IF WE WOULD BE ENTERING GOD’S CHURCH…To go in the midst of cheerful , happy children is so great like entering God’s beautiful church , the vestibule of the Kingdom of Heaven , even their mischievous naughtiness is a Hosanna for the infinite God  who created life !!
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: ENLIGHTENMENT…In our moments of grace we live through  , how the channels , the flood locks of heaven open up , and God Himself is showering His grace upon us , like the good, warm spring rain waters the earth abundantly . He flourishes our  faith , sheds light everywhere , He simply makes everything transparent, clear . These experiences are His sovereign gifts . At times like this the spirit does not get tired , does not get exerted only opens wide .
Father Csaba
translated dr k. e.

Read more: OUR LORD IS ACTING THROUGH THE ONES HE CALLED…The rain passes through the muddy clay into the depth of the earth and it surfaces  again as a crystal clear spring to quench our thirst , so the priest’s unworthiness does not stop him , that Christ working through him  distributing  the sacraments .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e