Read more: GLORY ONLY BELONGS TO GOD…Prayer cannot be the shrewd  satisfaction of our human vanity, ambition , greed dressed in a spiritual “robe”. Our real happiness does not stand or fall, by eloquent testimony we can perform miracles .A true spiritual man in prayer is searching for his God and not fame, glory, a craving for the limelight in front of people. Yes, searching for his God, who if He deems it good, even through him can also perform miracles , but he in the knowledge of his unworthiness always tries quietly to hide this.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: WHAT IS IT THAT ACTUALLY FILLS OUR HEARTS, LIVES…Just as an  empty church tower can easily be entrenched by all sorts of animals, spiders, rodents, owls, the same way the evil spirit can easily find home in our empty hearts, if they are not filled by the Spirit of God. As soon as the long-silent church bell rings out, it drives away everything that does not belong there , the same thing happens, when one’s life is filled by prayer, the teachings of the gospel, the grace of the sacraments .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: THE GREATEST LOVE …Jesus’ love like the sunlight streams out onto everybody , regardless whether one deserves it or not. Jesus Christ takes care of His own, till His last breath with tender , caring goodness !! What a beautiful feature this is of the Divine Face , in whose image and likeness did the Heavenly Father create all of us !
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: BLESSED IS THE ONE …We could rewrite God’s commandments  in the language of love : Joyful is the one who worships his Lord , God ! Joyful is the one who sanctifies the day of the Lord ! Joyous is the one who respects his father , mother ! Joyful is the one who does not kill ! I also believe that joyful is the one also, who can share his bread in the name of God with the hungry !! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: WITH THE HELP OF GOD…Our beloved Heavenly Father, I ask you very, very humbly , to give us strength , to focus on the tasks , that You entrusted us with to carry out !! Help us to put all our time ,  energy so that we can carry out our duties satisfactorily ! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: THIRSTING FOR THE COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT…Our Redeeming Christ is promising us the coming of the Spirit of Truth !! The man of today like a pilgrim in a desert is thirsting for the truth, justice and is capable of turning against anybody, anything , if he feels that this holy justice for him suffers insults!! There is an unbelievable thirst in us for justice , truth because God is Truth Himself , that is why we are never satisfied with a fraction or part truths , we need the infinite , absolutely beautiful , whole Truth !! 
I believe that if our Creator planted such a great yearning for the clear spring , the genuine , clear truth , then this can be found , this is within our reach , that man can not only discover , but can also settle in in which one can build an eternal home for oneself ! 
We are getting ready for Pentecost , we are beseeching in prayer that the Spirit of Truth wakes up and like a big river inundates our beautiful world and washes it sparkling clean !! 
With love, 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: OUR REDEEMER , THE SON OF GOD…He remained by our side, He never left us, He never coerced , never blackmailed , never manipulated , never said , that this situation is lost , we deserve our fate , however He let them capture Him , humiliate Him  , torture  Him and even there on the cross He prayed :"34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23, 34 ) 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: EVERYBODY HAS A RIGHT TO  LIFE…The fact is that life is holy, everybody has a right to life , but who ever transgresses seriously  against life , whoever endeavours to harm someone else’ life , carrying it out with exceptional cruelty , places themselves outside the law .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: THE LOVE INCARNATE…In our world only love is endless, because love is God Himself, everything else is finite . Let us bathe our spirits , our world in the infinite love emanating from God’s heart.
Father Csaba.
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: THE IMMORTAL SOUL...These days it is not only the Church who professes,
the conceived life is a human being so has every human right , including the right to life as well , but a number of outstanding professors of medicine as well condemn every such did , that results in the extinction of life , either before or after the birth of a human being . We all have to know, that we have an immortal soul, and this also means that the victim mets with a murderer at the last judgement . The conceived child also has an immortal soul, eternal life . We have to be aware that after our death we come face to face those with whom we we lived together : members of our families , our older , younger deceased relatives , and so does the unborn child, who was rejected by bu his/ her mother and father . God is not the One who will condemn us at the last judgement , but the consequences of our deeds will accrue us .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: IN THE PRESENCE OF  GOD…I admire God’s infinite patience , humility , that divine calmness , trust with which He puts Himself into our hands !! It is good to spend time in front of the Holy Eucharist , to let God, the Sacrament to touch our hearts with infinitely gentle love  !
With love and prayer ,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.