Read more: In Csík the spring is not hammering at the doors yet !Before midday  in Déva on 2 April 2018 , now in the evening  up on the Hargita I  took a photo !! Lets see who can guess which picture was taken where ??
No prize for guessing, up on the Hargita there is still winter , snow, ,0 degree ! In Csík the spring is not hammering at the doors yet !!
In Déva the laburnum, the narcissus are in full bloom, but already the magnolia has come into bud .
Such is the difference within Transylvania , in a mere radius of 300 kilometres ! However I am home in Csík as well ,
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: The empty heart...Just as into an empty church tower all sorts of animals , spiders, rodents , owls can entrench themselves , the same way the evil one can easily find a home in our empty hearts, unless its filled by the Holy Spirit . But as soon the bell , silent for a long time will ring out , it will banish everything from there that does not belong  there , this is exactly what happens when prayer, the teaching of the gospel , the grace of the sacraments fill one’s life .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: The cross, is Jesus Christ’s profession of faith !The most eloquent testimony, body language that ever was seen in this world :” Man I believe in you ! I regard you so precious , that I give my life for you ! I believe that you can learn the commandment of love , I believe that you can live according to the spirit of this , I believe that together we can build the kingdom of love , God’s kingdom on this earth !”
I regard Christ’s magnificent testimony of faith , mankind’s most important treasure , because our Redeemer , on Good Friday  on Golgotha crucified between heaven and earth opened up for us the door to eternal life , prior to this even the greats of the Old Testament could not step into the holy presence of God either !
I am holding on to the cross , because neither the wisdom of the scientists , nor the bravery of the researchers , nor the heroism of the combatants is capable to lead us to eternal life solely Jesus Christ ! 
We adore you and we bless you oh Christ,
because by Your Holy Cross ,
You redeemed the world ! 
On my knees ,
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: In the presence of God…Vigil, on Holy Thursday…
Whoever wants to meet with God , they do not have to cross oceans, climb mountains , because God lives in our heart , He is standing in front of our door and is knocking, if we open our hearts to Him, He will enter into our hearts.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: On Wednesday of Holy Week...On Wednesday of Holy Week, with close on two hundred children in the Boli cave we completed the Stations of the Cross then during the sacrifice of a holy mass we prayed for our dear supporters, the children living in our homes and the children’s parents, the carers !
With the spiritual bouquet of prayer , the sacrifice we wish a blessed Easter season to all the friends of our children !!
With love,
Father Csaba

Read more: My God, my God …"Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"(My God, my God why have you forsaken me ?)  Matthew 27, 46
I admire my Master ! During the bloody , atrocities of Good Friday He could perform a miracle , He could manipulate the events , but He empties completely the chalice about which He was speaking of ,on the night of Holy Thursday !Humiliation , bodily, spiritual suffering , and at the end this infinite loneliness ! God’s comforting angels are nowhere, more over we can come to the conclusion from Jesus’ words, that He lived through all the anguish of abandonment for us , just so He can redeem us from our sins!!
Lets stop here for a moment and lets suddenly realise to the great destructive power of sin and that its murderous sting that can only be torn out by such an enormous love !!
Lets dissociate ourselves from all forms of sin, , lets make a lifelong decision by the pure, merciful love !! Lets get down on our knees in front of our Lord God with trust, our conversion , lets accept this ransom crying , sobbing that He paid for us on the cross !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: God’s wisdom…The past and the future are those two poles in the tension of which man lives . God saw it good to hide the future from man . If we would know what tomorrow may bring we could easily have a breakdown , because we only get the strength the cope with difficulties of the today . If we would know the future we could not make decisions freely and perhaps we would devote less effort, struggle in the present.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: The two crowns …"How could I bear a crown of gold when the Lord bears a crown of thorns? And bears it for me!” 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
posted by dr k.e.

Read more: Traditions…Writing greeting cards for Easter seems to have gone out of fashion ….but since I love many , many people , I also offended many during the past years , for this reason as part of my  repentance now in my thoughts I have to write all these cards ! I turn to you with prayerful love with these few lines and I profess, that unfortunately love can be killed , but we learn from Christ’s example that it is possible to rise again and even with a pierced heart it is possible to love !! If I offended you I ask for your goodness, forgiveness towards me to come to life again and lets move on the way of love together !! Our common lenten repentance may renew our friendship !!
Walking on the road of repentance, 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: Our Lord and Redeemer…never gives up !Lets look at the greatest revolutionary in the history of our world, Jesus Christ ! He came among us with empty hands , but with a faith in a better and more fraternal world . He is not lamenting because of the Roman oppression , the great , unjust wars one after the other and society’s injustices. Jesus simply unfolds the flag of a new world, love and goodness ! Embraces all with a convincing force , He emanates from Himself that there is hope, that mankind is capable to renew , form a new world in peace and love . Even the brutal, cruel events of Good Friday cannot break this revolutionary spirit , since at the dawn of Easter again He raises  the flag of hope and love high , and for the last two thousand years Christ’s dream is unfolding with undiminished energy.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.