Read more: WITHOUT YOU OUR LORD WE ARE LOSTOur crucified and risen Lord ! Teach us how to fight the challenges, struggles  of the everyday so our lives become more complete. You bear patiently and humbly the burdens of human life, just as the agonies of Your  death on the cross and Your sufferings . Help us that we accept as opportunities for growth our daily sufferings and conflicts and we become more and more like You. Grant us that patiently and bravely bear bravely the sufferings , hoping that You are by our side.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

In today’s sense of the word She was not a star , She was the inhabitant of a small Palestinian village , lived like anyone else , but by fulfilling Her everyday tasks and Her unconditional reliance , trust in God She grows up to the task to become the Queen of Heaven : She accepts the Child from the Holy Spirit ,even accepts the fact that they will not believe Her, despite the fears and uncertainties She is prepared to say “yes”: to become a fugitive in Egypt : although not always understanding , yet She still perseveres by the side of Jesus: She is by His side at the beginning of His public ministry and at the end of it as well , accompanies Him on the way of the Cross , suffers with Him standing under the cross and together with the apostles receives the Holy Spirit.
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 


Read more: THE LAST WILL OF OUR LORD…The Blessed Virgin Mother did not perform any miracles, did notShe give any great orations , yet She still became the Queen of Heaven through Her quiet , simple , diligent life in Nazareth 
It would be so good if in our hearts as well the desire for pure, simple life would awaken . If mankind could learn this concept ,this ideal of the quiet growth of Nazareth, the joy of the work well done , to look after each other then it would discover its own happiness .The Blessed Virgin is the the Heavenly Mother of us all . When Jesus was suspended  on the cross , His Mother was standing there as well . 
When  the suffering Jesus "saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.”  (John 19, 26-27) 
Our Lord before His death entrusted, placed His most precious possession into the care  of the apostle John, and though him to us all , His Mother Mary .
These were the last words of our Redeemer , they are like a spiritual last will and testament : because of this Mary   became the  Mother in Heaven of all mankind .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LORD GRANT US THE GRACE OF ENDURANCE …Pain , suffering cannot be dispensed drop by drop , cannot be measured . For the outside world suffering is invisible, the fear, hopelessness often can push someone over the edge . But we should also realise that our suffering is not in proportion with all the goodness, joy that our Lord gives us for our earthly struggles . 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: Elkezdődött a tanítás!! Jó látni, hogy a gyerekeink kézen fogva jönnek az iskolából.... Nem egy osztályba járnak, nem egy családba vannak, de mégis jó testvérek... Ők Szent Ferenc atyánk nagy családjának a gyermekei, a bajban, nehézségben egymás kezét megfogva testvérek lettek!
Büszke vagyok gyermekeinkre, és hálás szívvel köszönöm, hogy ilyen aranyos gyerekeket bízott ránk a jó Isten!! Míg egymás kezét fogjátok, addig nincs baj! Jó tanulást, kitartást kívánok! Bízhattok bennünk felnőttekben, imádságos szeretettel mi is fogjuk a kezeteket, 
Csaba t.

Read more: IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF CHRIST…The difficulties are God’s gifts , tackling them day after day , we are trying our wings . God in His infinite mercy so it fit , that men can only bring themselves, their surrounding into this world with labouring effort . One does not have to be afraid of either the work nor the effort ! Lets take up our crosses and follow the crucified Christ like that , the development of life ,the work ,is the struggle itself .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more:  GOD’S LOVE FOR US KNOWS NO BOUNDS…On the Good Fridays of our lives again and again we have to make decisions , and well-well , we choose Barabbas . And even after this there is no anger , Jesus after His resurrection kindles a fire, prepares some fish and invites His disciples for a banquet of peace . “ Do you love me ? “ -asks He not only Peter who denied Him but  all of us . Jesus does the same in our days as well , He tries to gather us with great-great love . He joins us  and just like the disciples from Emmaus ,accompanies us with pierced feet on the dusty road , and like a beggar awaits us to invite Him into our hearts . Yes God is yearning for our love and we are so tight-fisted towards Him. We give Him our love rationed on a micro-scale , as though we would have acquired that paying a high price for it. My dear brethren , come , lets worship God ! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.  

Read more: GOD WILL BE OUR JUDGE …At the end of our lives we will be judged based on our love , how we helped Jesus in the most needy people . Jesus Himself puts the question to us day after day in the least of our brethren : I am hungry ! Will you feed me ? I am naked ! Will you clothe me ? I am ignorant! Will you teach me ? I am uncouth , ignorant , miserable ! Will you treat with me with love , goodness , mercy ? I am a sinner , a squanderer! Can you bend down to me with the love of the father of the prodigal son, with forgiving goodness ?
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF OUR CREATOR…Our image of God also determines our image of ourselves , the world as well.God is not a lonely heavenly Lord , who with outreach hands , strong arms is directing lording the little men who pay homage to Him, but an infinitely gentle, kind-hearted , community bathing , immersed in love stretching His arms towards us , the Holy Trinity , so we have to transform to the image , likeness of our Creator , our communities have to become communities of love .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MARY…Can I rejoice ? Everybody should write their own “Magnificat” ! If you have the opportunity do it once, retreat into your room pr the chapel , with a sheet of paper in your hand , and write your own Song of Praise , Thanksgiving !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: WE CAN DISCOVER GOD…With our eyes we can see the colours , with our hands we can palpate , feel objects, with our tongues we can discover the tastes , with our faith we can embrace God. Faith is one’s only sensory organ , by which one can embrace the supernatural world, God’s world . With our faith these two mystical arms we search for God , Whom we can discover either in our own , even in our Church’s , or even in our  people’s most hidden blind alley so we can embrace Him. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.