Read more: LET’S DISCOVER GOD IN OUR LIVES…I doubt it that God would hide so much , that if we look for Him with a pure heart we could not find Him. The one who is searching sincerely , with a pure heart cannot really go far wrong .
Father Csaba ,
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: PATIENCE AND LOVE SHOWING THE WAY……Whilst I was studying theology I received the first big lesson from the bishop Jakab Antal . He spent over 10 years in jail , for us he was a living martyr and it was with him that I had to assist as an altar server alone every day for a week . Until then never in my life was I an altar server and also to be quite frank I was really irritated by the pompousness wearing these lacy loose capes .
As Böjte Csaba I was at the very front of the row , and right at the start of the academic year I was assigned assist my prelate to become an altar server . The bishop started the holy mass in latin “Dominus  vobiscum”  (The Lord be with you ), then I should have replied 
“Et cum spirit tuo”(  és a Te lelkeddel ) , but I was furiously flipping  the pages in the  Lectionary . The bishop just waited patiently until I found the answer in the Lectionary , that I read with a great deal of difficulty . Aged twenty five I was so stressed that perhaps I could not have even managed to say my own  name . I was flipping backwards and forwards in the Lectionary ,with great patience  the bishop allowed me to find the correct page  , then calmly guided me to it .I had read the Reading , well…lets leave it at that , through the grace of God we made it to the end of the mass . I was convinced that my theological carrier would end here . They would thank me for my good will and send me on my way .
At the conclusion of the mass the bishop gracefully knelt down for adoration , as after every mass  ha prayed at length then stood up at the conclusion an began to walk away , and asked that I wait for his return . He managed to get a nice, ripe orange from somewhere and seriously he looked me in the eyes and said :”Thank you very much for your assistance  I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow as well .” I always believed that  calmly with kind words one can educate a person , but the prelate with this gesture reinforced my outlook for life .
I don’t even mention that all night long I studied the latin mass , and by the end of the week I mostly knew it .
Six years later he , himself ordained me as a priest in Gyulafehérvár . His actions gained an everlasting place in my heart , demonstrating  that to raise a child  does not need to be done with impatience , anger, waving a stick but peacefully , patiently with love as well . 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LET’S DARE TO TURN TOWARDS GOD …God is infinitely great and pure, the praying man is aware of his weaknesses, insignificance , is almost annihilated yet of this he is yearning for His Creator’s marvellous , blessed presence ! 
Blessed Living Sun , even if it is scorching , blinding as well , through experiencing its existence, being our hearts are filled with inexpressible, overflowing  joy . For me these quiet , prayerful moments gave the necessary strength for the priestly, monastic life , and these special moments help me even today to get through all the difficulties of life ! 
Let’s not be afraid of the quiet moments of prayer , lets dare to turn our faces , our hearts towards heaven , open it wide before the God of love ! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH…Our mother the Church has been professing for two thousand year that the doctrine brought into this world by our Lord Jesus Christ , was lived the most admirably , beautifully by His Mother , Mary .  Mary is an example of us all . Mary can show us how to follow Her Holy Son. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LORD HAVE MERCY…Only God forgives our sins , not the priest -he only conveys God’s forgiveness , like a water tap the water . God alone can give you absolution .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: ADVENT IS THE TIME FOR VIGIL AND REPARATION …It is certain that mankind is facing huge problems : unfortunately I feel that today’s squandering , arrogant, sinful man can only be cleansed by tears and blood .
People’s greed,  foolish , loathsome absorption in sin , their cynical indifference with others suffering is unbelievable . 
Unfortunately death is the payment for evil . Mankind is facing huge tempest that is going to decimate us .Together with the Queen f Peace , Mary I am praying daily for the blessed peace , the clear vision for the spiteful politicians and people alike . No matter how great this cleansing storm is going to be and how many crumbling  branches are going to be broken off the tree of humanity , I believe that the  tomorrow’s man will be searching for God with elementary force , who is going to take fold of the outstretched hand towards Him . I believe that God’s Reigning will descend upon this world. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: WHEN WE LOOSE ALL THAT MATTERS …If a man in his life looses hope, trust , faith then somewhere love will be extinguished , there usually life is also extinguished followed by the tomorrow . No matter how nicely one  puts  the culture of death into words, no matter how nice a culture it is , it will still remain just that .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: TURNING TO GOD…There is so much tension around us, lets lift up our spirits  to God in the morning , let’s escape into the peace of the silent prayer , so that we have the strength to solve the worries of the everyday !!
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LET’S PRAY FOR THE INTERCESSION  OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN…The honouring our Blessed Lady of Csíksomlyó is the honouring of those virtues we have learnt from Her , that still lead us in our present days in our survival , in our future hopes! Mary always stood by accepting life , by Jesus and She does nothing else than offering for us the Child with love and joy , the child- faced God who wants to embrace us with infinite love !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.