The father plays a very important role in the family’s life , so that his children can experience already here in this world the love of the Heavenly Father, that someone pays attention to them, cares for them . How can they imagine that God listens to their prayers , if the parent does not pay even attention to them ? How can they believe that God is merciful even keeps count of their every single hair, if the parent pays attention to material things only, does not pay any attention to the child’s spiritual life, feelings , everyday problems , fears ?
Father Csaba
translated to dr k.e.
Life was given to us so that we give it away. I often said , that our lives are like a great handful of gold dust . It has a great value , it is a treasure . But unless we give it for something the opportunities will pass and it will just slip through our fingers.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
In all of us there is tomorrow’s saint but the the vile rascal as well . We should not be judges, but healers . Lets stand by the erring ones , help them to remove their armour . We should never forget , that in every Saul a hymn of love is well hidden.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
Difficulties, like great millstones, can wear us down. Yet, be not afraid! The heat and intensity of those daily challenges can transform us to be the bread that Christ Himself can occupy .
Translated by dr k.e.
Be it done unto me according to Your Word….
The greatness of Mary also becomes apparent in that She can put Her dreams, plans aside and She can say yes to the will of God. She gives up Her own ambitions, Her young woman’s dream and can say : "Behold the handmaid of the Lord , Be it done unto me according to Your Word” She can say “yes” to the call of God.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
God is called by several names : He is Love, Goodness , Truth- all these basic values are represented by Him. The one seeking pure beauty that is without selfishness, greed , temptation , is in some way searching for God !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
Look at your child ! Your child is worth much more than the beautiful Pieta created by Michelangelo , because that is only marble , a dead stone , but your child has an immortal soul !
The most wonderful fulfilment of your life is the life that arises from you , since through your child you yourself can also get closer to heaven. You are a miracle that carries and nurtures the miracle . The child is the bearer of the flower , yet your child wholly is your fruit.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e
Enlightenment is not a single dawn breaking but a steep mountain ridge . As you progress along newer and newer mountain ranges reveal their fabulous beauty , the journey is timeless , since your goal is Infinity Himself.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
If your heart is aching, if they offended, hurt you , write your grief in the sand , so that the wind of mercy can blow it away easily .Our Master did that when they dragged the woman caught in adultery , sentenced to be stoned, before Him ".Go your way, and from now on do not sin again'” (John 8: 10)
But if someone does a good deed , carve it into stone , so that it will remain in your memory for ever !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
A Christian’s conduct has to be similar to that of our Lord Jesus Christ’s , who on the cross is not asking for the “whys” , however , with enormous humbleness, even with His last breath is saying : “ My Father into Your hands I commit my soul .”
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
As a novice in Gyulafehérvár I lved together with my companions in the palace of the bishop. Every evening , I passed by the ancient Cathedral to my living quarters . I always stopped for a short prayer in the chilly winter too. It was good to pray at the doorstep of the thousand year old cathedral.. On one occasion when I listed my eyes I suddenly realised beautiful red light, the flame of the sanctuary lamp. In reality the the keyhole of the door at the main entrance and the keyhole of the nave of the church were at the same level and looking through these two apertures on bended knees I saw the flame of the sanctuary lamp that testifies of the presence of Christ . Even beforehand I stopped countless times in front of this door , but this light was only visible on bended knees . After that over the years , whenever my journey took me there , whether it was raining or the snow was falling , at least for a moment, when I went by the church I fell on my knees because -as our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said it -God saw it fit to reveal His secrets to the little ones.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.