Read more: GOD TRANSFORMS YOU…The pilgrim not only travels many tiring kilometres in this three dimensional world , but hearing Christ knocking at the door of his heart , starts out on a journey to open a door to the Infinity , a new world , where every single thing is a gift , yet the Giver Himself is more important than anything else , with Whom one not only meets but one  also becomes a giver of gifts . It is great to become someone who  encourages, consoles, becomes a gift giving blessing ! It is good to make the everyday existence with you to transform it for those in your vicinity into a joyous Kingdom of Heaven.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: MY LORD, MY GOD…Because Jesus called Himself  God, cost Him His life , as this was the greatest thorn in the eyes of the chief priests, that is why they sent Him to the cross. Jesus was a true man as well. He ate , slept, rejoiced, He was afraid, suffered temptation and felt pain like all of us. He does not wear our humanity like a garment , but He becomes a true man. I believe and profess the teaching of our two thousand year old Church: our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God , the true God who assumed the  body of a true man and His human heart perfectly shows us the heart of God.
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: DIVINE MERCY…Lets set out to bear witness about God’s infinite love, caring goodness , forgiving mercy ! People are searching for God and believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the answer to their questions .
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LETS PRAY FOR THE GRACE OF FORGIVENESS…Jesus never calls evil good, so the Church cannot say either that sin is nothing , let bygones be bygones . But we also have to follow our Lord that He turns even to His most hardened enemy with love , dies on the cross for them as well, and because of their heartlessness and lack of love He still suffers together with them .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: WHATEVER IT TAKES…I can see the Lord and for this reason I am trying to reach out humbly with my Creator’s  blessing hand , a christlike love to touch everything and everyone .
It is a great adventure setting out in the footsteps of Christ , but I have not yet found a better , wiser , gentler stronger Master , hence that is why I take on everything and even if it takes through the Golgotha , I am following the Redeemer ! 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD…One of the mysteries of our faith- passing from death to life .
In our everyday we are struck by losses, we are just about paralysed by setbacks, sorrow, mourning .
God is the One who is capable of relieving us from the “shackles” of lameness, to lift us up from the indifference, the grieving -so that once more we can proclaim joyfully , enthusiastically :
The Lord lives and is awaiting to meet us !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: CHRIST WILL TRIUMPH  …Do not fear the world can collapse around us , if we love , we will live , even after the greatest storm the blessed sun will shine again . We must know , the truth, life can be killed , but on the third day  He will rise triumphantly. 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: LET GOD ENTER INTO YOUR LIFE…We have such a great need for silence , for peaceful introspection, as the fish needs the life-giving pure water ! Lets seek the silence and solitude , where God can speak to us , where we can hear our Creator’s word !!
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: FOLLOWING OUR MASTER …How great it would be to learn from our Master!! Jesus does not condemn Judas, even at their last meeting as well calls him “my friend “ ! I am convinced , that if after Good Friday this mislead man could have forgiven himself and would have gone back to his Master , Jesus would have asked from him the same question as He asked from Peter  , “Judas do you love me” ?
Jesus even today does not condemn anybody , but with a merciful , pierced heart asks us : “ Do you love me ? “
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e. 

Read more: A BLESSING…The fragile little Eucharist , floating between my fingers during the holy mass. The realisation almost broke my heart , I am treading on Saint Joseph’s wonderful path . Despite my insignificance , weakness God entrusted Himself to me , placed His fragile body into my hand , I can carry Him. He is so vulnerable , does not speak . I can offer Him for homage to the shepherds , the wisemen , my brethren , A wonderful mystery , it is great to be the one taking care of the Sacrament , to carry the fragile light , that illuminates the world ….
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

Read more: OUR PRAYERS ASCEND TO HEAVEN …Many, many things have been stopped , our horizontal movements are being restricted , but we also have to know that the Kingdom of Heaven is not only open for all of us , but is within our reach !! Our meetings with each other will become less frequent . but our togetherness with our Creator will deepen , since prayer has not been suspended ! !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.

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